Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Symphony Band Concert 2/22

Symphony Band - Congratulations on a FANTASTIC concert last evening. It is always nice to be able to put yourself "in the moment" and create sound in a moving way. Very proud of you and your work leading up to this concert. I look forward to a strong finish to our year!

Amazing Grace

Voyaguers I

Voyaguers II and III

Heart Songs I




1.  The composers of our music from this concert are all still very much alive.  If you could have invited one of them to our concert, which would you have invited?  Why?
2.  Name at least one "psycho-motor" (physical skill on your instrument) element that you improved or developed during this concert cycle that you now feel confident with.

3.  What was the strongest affective (emotional/expressive) moment you experienced while playing this concert?  

4.  Name one psycho-motor skill and one knowledge goal you would like to master before our May concert (i.e. I would like to be able to triple tongue at mm=100, and I would like to learn more about the music theory behind key signatures in minor keys)

5. What was the most interesting comment you heard from someone who attended the concert regarding the concert itself?  In other words, did your parents, family, friends, twitter, etc...have any constructive feedback or noteworthy praise of the concert?

6.  Would you like to give a shout-out to anyone who you thought did an outstanding job at the concert?

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